Neoghoster Akira
Das fontes de construção em Tolkien notam-se elementos comuns e arquetípicos de seu tempo:
Quando da construção de Aragorn há o Rei com mãos curativas, acompanhado das possibilidades que seu arquétipo representa, Healer (curandeiro), King/Queen (rei/rainha), Trustee (curador):
A possibilidade de personagem oposta em significado ao Aragorn se concretizava na pessoa de um Rei Numenoriano negro oposto em sentido, alguém que adoece um povo e não apenas deteriora/destrói o conhecimento mas também desfigura diretamente o corpo de Arda incluindo as pessoas.
Para que o rei de Gondor possa restaurar o que fora perdido Tolkien apresenta na origem do sangue élfico do personagem uma proposta de heráldica que ecoa vários elementos, os brasões medievais, designs da "rosa das estações" dos séculos 9 e 10 e noções arquetípicas da psicologia da época que influenciava não apenas Inklings como Owen Barfield, mas também todo tipo de gente de sociedades secretas como a Golden Dawn.
De fato, dentro de grupo influente nos conhecidos dele da época da Golden Dawn havia todo tipo de gente, tanto membros úteis e inofensivos quanto membros que auxiliavam os nazistas a buscarem a herança ariana num trabalho completo que parecia ser de interesse da classe erudita da época.
Tamanha concorrência para explorar um mesmo tema gerou frutos em diversas áreas como na genética e morfogenética e na verdade participava como um dos pontos do conflito da Segunda Gramde Guerra:
Nós temos então que um personagem se responsabiliza por apontar novamente para o caminho perdido, para a lembrança e restauração da forma esquecida. De fato há em Aragorn uma disposição equilibrada para recuperação de dons:
A peregrinação de Aragorn, semelhante ao inferno de Milton é um diagrama em quatro partes que transita até o quinto elemento, o divino "quintessential":
Lost Knowledge of the Imagination golden dawn&f=false
The Essential Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic golden dawn&f=false
"Archetypes are innate, universal psychic dispositions that form the substrate from which the basic themes of human life emerge. A group of memories and interpretations associated with an archetype is a complex, e.g. a mother complex associated with the mother archetype. Jung treated the archetypes as psychological organs, analogous to physical ones in that both are morphological constructs that arose through evolution. Being universal and innate, their influence can be detected in the form of myths, symbols, rituals and instincts of human beings. Archetypes are components of the collective unconscious and serve to organize, direct and inform human thought and behaviour. According to Jung, archetypes heavily influence the human life cycle, propelling a neurologically hard-wired sequence which he called the stages of life. Each stage is mediated through a new set of archetypal imperatives which seek fulfillment in action. These may include being parented, initiation, courtship, marriage and preparation for death. " (1)
Quando da construção de Aragorn há o Rei com mãos curativas, acompanhado das possibilidades que seu arquétipo representa, Healer (curandeiro), King/Queen (rei/rainha), Trustee (curador):
A possibilidade de personagem oposta em significado ao Aragorn se concretizava na pessoa de um Rei Numenoriano negro oposto em sentido, alguém que adoece um povo e não apenas deteriora/destrói o conhecimento mas também desfigura diretamente o corpo de Arda incluindo as pessoas.
Para que o rei de Gondor possa restaurar o que fora perdido Tolkien apresenta na origem do sangue élfico do personagem uma proposta de heráldica que ecoa vários elementos, os brasões medievais, designs da "rosa das estações" dos séculos 9 e 10 e noções arquetípicas da psicologia da época que influenciava não apenas Inklings como Owen Barfield, mas também todo tipo de gente de sociedades secretas como a Golden Dawn.
De fato, dentro de grupo influente nos conhecidos dele da época da Golden Dawn havia todo tipo de gente, tanto membros úteis e inofensivos quanto membros que auxiliavam os nazistas a buscarem a herança ariana num trabalho completo que parecia ser de interesse da classe erudita da época.
Tamanha concorrência para explorar um mesmo tema gerou frutos em diversas áreas como na genética e morfogenética e na verdade participava como um dos pontos do conflito da Segunda Gramde Guerra:
Nós temos então que um personagem se responsabiliza por apontar novamente para o caminho perdido, para a lembrança e restauração da forma esquecida. De fato há em Aragorn uma disposição equilibrada para recuperação de dons:

Jung's Stages of Development
Jung who foresaw the development of the human mind reaching a crescendo in the late middle age, when many chances in life have been taken or ignored and the person starts to wonder if their life is truly what it should have been. Here are the four Jungian Stages of Development:
The 'archaic stage' of infancy has sporadic consciousness; then during the 'monarchic stage' of the small child there is the beginning of logical and abstract thinking, and the ego starts to develop.
Youth & Early Years
From puberty until 35 - 40 there is maturing sexuality, growing consciousness, and then a realization that the carefree days of childhood are gone forever. People strive to gain independence, find a mate, and raise a family.
Middle Life
The realization that you will not live forever creates tension. If you desperately try to cling to your youth, you will fail in the process of self-realization. At this stage, you experience what Jung calls a 'metanoia' (change of mind) and there is a tendency to more introverted and philosophical thinking. People often become religious during this period or acquire a personal philosophy of life.
Old Age
Consciousness is reduced in the last years, at the same time there is there acquisition of wisdom. Jung thought that death is the ultimate goal of life. By realizing this, people will not face death with fear but with the feeling of a "job well done" and perhaps the hope for rebirth.
Plotkin's Eight Stages of Eco-Soulcentric Human Development
Bill Plotkin in Nature and the Human Soul perceived a connection between Jung's archetypal conception of individual and collective evolutionary life aligned with the wild forces of nature. We continue to develop throughout our lives and each stage of our life has its own challenges and its unique rewards. His eight stages on the wheel of spiritual development are illuminated by the pairing of a human archetype with an ecological archetype:
The Innocent in the Nest (early childhood),
The Explorer in the Garden (middle childhood),
The Thespian at the Oasis (early adolescence),
The Wanderer in the Cocoon (late adolescence),
The Soul Apprentice at the Wellspring (early adulthood),
The Artisan in the Wild Orchard (late adulthood),
The Master in the Grove of Elders (early elderhood),
The Sage in the Mountain Cave (late elderhood).
A peregrinação de Aragorn, semelhante ao inferno de Milton é um diagrama em quatro partes que transita até o quinto elemento, o divino "quintessential":
O talento de Aragorn vai sofrer menos que o de pessoas comuns por ter que atravessar a incapacidade do mundo de lidar com cada fase da vida. Mas além da grande habilidade de Elessar há um elemento que não havia em Gandalf conforme o trecho do artigo abaixo:
The Hands of the King are The Hands of a Healer. Aragorn in The Houses of Healing.
It is the coming of the king that brings hope and meaning to the stricken. In their seminal work, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette describe the energy of the King Archetype as being one that brings order and a sense that everything is in its right place without anything needing to be forced and as one that brings blessing and fruitfulness. It is not just Aragorn who brings this archetype to bear. We saw the impact that Théoden’s arising from his chair to lead his people once again had upon them. It was literally transformative. This transformation shows why Saruman and his agent, Wormtongue, put so much effort into unmanning the king. And now in the account of the events in the Houses of Healing Tolkien makes it clear that Gandalf is unable to heal those who have fallen under the Black Shadow. It is not that Aragorn has a magic that Gandalf does not have but that he can connect to the King Archetype in a way that Gandalf cannot. Aragorn is the king.
In English history the belief that the king or the queen was a healer persisted right into the 18th century and a liturgy for the royal touch was included in the Book of Common Prayer that was possessed by most literate people of the time. It was only with the growing influence of the Enlightenment that the monarch came just to make a gift of money instead of also laying hands upon the sick. The Queen still makes the gift in a service on Maundy Thursday each year. Shakespeare wonderfully describes the older practice in lines from Macbeth,
“Strangely visited people, all swol’n and ulcerous, pitiful to the eye, the mere despair of surgery, he cures, hanging a golden stamp about their necks, put on with holy prayers.”
It is this ancient belief that Tolkien draws upon here in the stories of Aragorn’s healings, and ancient belief that I would argue was seen at work in Viktor Frankl’s experience in the Nazi concentration camps. Frankl showed implicitly in a way that Moore and Gillette do explicitly that access to the King Archetype is available to all of us and will order, heal and bless.
Lost Knowledge of the Imagination golden dawn&f=false
The Essential Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic golden dawn&f=false
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