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Angie Harmon quer interpretar a SHE-HULK


Heads Up Marvel, Actress Angie Harmon Wants To Play SHE-HULK....Really, Really Badly


Former "Law & Order" star Angie Harmon is showing her fan-girl to the world and doesn't care. We have to love her for that. She has the look and has previous experience as a lawyer from Law & Order. Plus, she reportedly knows her She-Hulk history inside and out. If Marvel ever brings Bruce Banner's promiscuous cousin to the big screen it should be a short search for the role .

“I have to be her,” Harmon told EW. “You don’t understand. I have to be her. It’s the best quote ever [in The Avengers] when The Hulk turns around and goes ‘I’m always angry.’ I was like, Ohmygod! I stood up in the theater and literally cheered. I did.”

As for wearing the skin exposing She-Hulk’s costume?

”I would rock that like there is no tomorrow. I would kill that outfit. I’d put these 36Cs on display. Boom,” she boasted.

fonte: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/GraphicCity/news/?a=59924 / http://popwatch.ew.com/2012/05/16/angie-harmon-she-hulk/
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