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Alto-elfo combatendo Morgoth (ou: sujeito drogado "combatendo" um carro)


Ent cara-de-pau
Meu singelo conselho a todos os LARPers aqui do fórum: nunca, nunca usem LSD ou podem acabar como o sujeito desta notícia. O fato aconteceu no dia 13 e uma busca rápida revela outras tantas versões dessa mesma notícia por aí.

High ‘high elf’ stabs Portland woman’s car with sword

A Glendale, Ore., man decked out for battle and allegedly high on LSD thought he was fighting the evil ‘Morgoth,’ but really, he was stabbing a woman’s car in a Portland, Ore., intersection.

BY Nicole Hensley
Sunday, May 18, 2014, 6:05 PM

This roleplayer rolled an epic fail.

A woman called 911 after a man sporting chain mail, a battle helmet, shield, sword and staff ran into a Portland, Ore., intersection and attacked her car.

The melee ended with the arrest of Konrad Bass, 30, after he stabbed her vehicle several times, reported KATU-TV.

The woman reported the fighting man as a pirate on May 13, but Bass challenged that title and told police he was a “high elf engaged in battle with the evil Morgoth.”

The high elf is a variety of elves featured in the Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying game and Morgoth was the first Dark Lord of Middle Earth, according to J.R. Tolkien’s “The Silmarillion.”

Bass also admitted to taking LSD before the swordfight, he told officers. Photos of the arrest show a cuffed Bass sitting on the sidewalk as first responders get ready to take him to a hospital.

The officers cited Bass, a resident of Glendale, Ore., with criminal mischief, but did not book him into jail, reported KPTV. He was taken to a local hospital for medical treatment and released.

Resumindo a coisa toda por pura preguiça de traduzir: Em Portland, Oregon, EUA, uma mulher chama a polícia avisando que um "pirata" estava atacando seu carro com uma espada. O responsável pelo ato, portando uma cota de malha, elmo, escudo, espada e cajado, corrige prontamente a informação afirmando ser um alto-elfo engajado em um combate com o Senhor do Escuro em pessoa! Após, ele disse aos policiais que havia consumido LSD e não acabou preso, mas conduzido para tratamento num hospital e liberado em seguida.

E isso acabou com meu estoque de WTFs para o resto da semana.

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