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"A Mitologia das Mitologias"

Remontando a esse tema (que para mim ainda é o suprassumo da obra de Tolkien), uma dúvida que me ocorre: ele quis mesmo criar a história real - como se de fato tivesse acontecido precisamente daquela maneira - ou a mitologia - organizada, sistematizada, detalhada, mas ainda assim fictícia - que deu origem, através de recontagens, aos mitos europeus que nos chegaram de forma esparsa? Parece haver trechos do HoME e das Cartas que apontam para as duas direções, como se ele próprio não tivesse essa definição clara.
A Verlyn Flieger ensaia abordagem da pergunta da formação da mitologia buscando referências dentro da música em "A Question of Time and Interrupted Music". Alguns comparam a cosmogonia musical a momentos de música clássica como o Coronations Anthems de Handel.

Há textos de Pitágoras, Platão e cristãs como o livro de Jó:

„Where were you… when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy”

O George McDonald também faz referência da "música de poder criadora" muito antiga em seus contos que é ouvida por aqueles que morrem, mais antiga que tudo, que diz que tudo está como deveria estar sustentando o mundo de forma parecida a canção do Leão em Nárnia e dos Ainur na cosmogonia do Silmarillion.

“I will tell you how I am able to bear it, Diamond: I am always hearing, through every noise, through all the noise I am making myself even, the sound of a far-off song. I do not exactly know where it is, or what it means; and I don’t hear much of it, only the odour of its music, as it were, flitting across the great billows of the ocean outside this air in which I make such a storm; but what I do hear is quite enough to make me able to bear the cry from the drowning ship. So it would you if you could hear it.”

“No, it wouldn’t,” returned Diamond, stoutly. “For they wouldn’t hear the music of the far-away song; and if they did, it wouldn’t do them any good. You see you and I are not going to be drowned, and so we might enjoy it.”

“But you have never heard the psalm, and you don’t know what it is like. Somehow, I can’t say how, it tells me that all is right; that it is coming to swallow up all cries.”

“But that won’t do them any good—the people, I mean,” persisted Diamond.

“It must. It must,” said North Wind, hurriedly. “It wouldn’t be the song it seems to be if it did not swallow up all their fear and pain too, and set them singing it themselves with the rest. I am sure it will. And do you know, ever since I knew I had hair, that is, ever since it began to go out and away, that song has been coming nearer and nearer. Only I must say it was some thousand years before I heard it.”

“But how can you say it was coming nearer when you did not hear it?” asked doubting little Diamond.

“Since I began to hear it, I know it is growing louder, therefore I judge it was coming nearer and nearer until I did hear it first. I’m not so very old, you know—a few thousand years only—and I was quite a baby when I heard the noise first, but I knew it must come from the voices of people ever so much older and wiser than I was. I can’t sing at all, except now and then, and I can never tell what my song is going to be; I only know what it is after I have sung it.—But this will never do. Will you stop here?”

O George Mc Donald era Cristão Universalista e influenciou vários escritores entre eles Lewis Carrol, CS Lewis e Tolkien.

Segundo os universalistas no fim dos tempos Deus manifestará seu poder e tudo o que foi corrompido, pervertido, sujo e amaldiçoado seria restaurado novamente incluindo demônios e seres maléficos.

Em dos seus livros infantis, Lilith (para ler no Halloween), as almas daqueles que morrem devem deitar e adormecer em um sono curativo longuíssimo até ao fim dos tempos para esperar pelo juízo final/dia da purificação.

Segundo referências o Tolkien usava processos de outros autores para construir a cosmogonia, entre eles a vontade de organizar os "retextos" das mitologias para preservar tanto aquilo que ressoa no coração das pessoas quanto as versões das histórias.


(A portion of the poem Tolkien wrote to C. S. Lewis after their long conversation in 1929, explaining to him why myths are not "lies breathed through silver" but deep theological revelations, indeed anticipations of the one story which became history, the one myth which became fact.)

The heart of man is not compound of lies,
but draws some wisdom from the only Wise, and still recalls Him.
Though now long estranged
Man is not wholly lost nor wholly changed.
Disgraced he may be, yet is not dethroned,
and keeps the rags of lordship once he owned:
Man, Sub-creator, the refracted Light
through whom is splintered from a single White to many hues,
and endlessly combined in living shapes that move from mind to mind.
Though all the crannies of the world we filled with Elves and Goblins,
though we dared to build Gods and their houses
out of dark and light and sowed the seeds of dragons—'twas our right (used or misused).
That right has not decayed: we make still by the law in which we're made.

https://books.google.com.br/books?id=8LLxZXqgJdwC&pg=PA94&lpg=PA94&dq=tolkien+cosmogony&source=bl&ots=Q67WDiXwil&sig=xrTuGk9nc_zcSucFnpSAakCK9Ok&hl=pt-BR&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjCtoC1lIjQAhVKEZAKHdn8AfoQ6AEIPjAE#v=onepage&q=tolkien cosmogony&f=false
Nossa, amei muito isso tudo...
Esse diálogo da "mitologia tolkieniana" com outras mitologias sempre me encantou... me aproximei muito disso três anos atrás quando, como um trabalho pedagógico ( minha escola é maravilhosamente doida e diferente), biografei o Professor. E ano passado essa ideia voltou pra minha cabeça enquanto estava procurando por um tema pro tcc que tenho que fazer ano que vem ( de novo, minha escola é meio doidona e linda)...
Acabei encontrando um outro tema pra ele, mas ainda sim...esse é o tipo de tema que eu poderia ficar dias conversando sobre

Valinor 2023

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