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300 (idem, 2007)

Re: Os 300 de Esparta (idem, 2005)

Eu não consigo ver filmes épicos com atores todos maquiados (não para parecerem reais, mas sim ícones da beleza). Simplesmente não dá.
Re: Os 300 de Esparta (idem, 2005)

Ecthelion disse:
Ah, pra mim, isso é inveja pq a menina postou primeiro as fotos do Faramir sem camisa... :lol:


Re: Os 300 de Esparta (idem, 2005)

Essa foto aí acima + esse tópico inteiro me dão uma leve ansia de vomito.
Re: Os 300 de Esparta (idem, 2005)

Não tô entendendo o ar sarcástico desse tópico....:tsc:
e porque ele dá ansia de vômitos em outros...tsc tsc tsc..
Bem...quando eu ver mais novidade, alguma foto nova...emfim...eu posto aqui..
Re: Os 300 de Esparta (idem, 2005)

Pelo visual "desenho animado" do filme não vou esperando muita realidade. Eu não tenho muita base do que estou falando, mas eu não esperaria muita verossimilhança de um filme que usa a mesma técnica de Sin City.
A qualidade vai depender muito dos assuntos da estória.
Re: Os 300 de Esparta (idem, 2005)

Ithilwen Feiniel disse:
Não tô entendendo o ar sarcástico desse tópico....:tsc:
e porque ele dá ansia de vômitos em outros...tsc tsc tsc..
Bem...quando eu ver mais novidade, alguma foto nova...emfim...eu posto aqui..
Liga não Ithilwen. Certas pessoas gostam de implicar por bobagens...

Eu espero um filme até razoável, a história está ali, o que é o principal.
Re: Os 300 de Esparta (idem, 2005)


Ué, coloca todo mundo vestido de palhaço. Deve dar no mesmo então, afinal a história está ali. :roll:
Re: Os 300 de Esparta (idem, 2005)

Se vc ler as duas últimas páginas vai entender o que eu quis dizer por "bobagens".
Re: Os 300 de Esparta (idem, 2005)

Metz disse:
Os caras estão tão limpinhos que parece que saíram do banho, não há ao menos um grão de poeira em soldados que marcham e guerreiam por dias.

os Espartanos nâo "fascinaram" os Persas por estar se penteando e untando com azeite antes da batalha? Vai ver eles faziam paradas pra "embelezamento" :mrgreen:
Re: Os 300 de Esparta (idem, 2005)

Mullets Bundeta disse:
Não quis ser, acho que você deveria ler outra vez e interpretar :-|

Acho que você deveria fazer o mesmo com meu primeiro post e limpar seu teclado.
Re: Os 300 de Esparta (idem, 2005)

:mrgreen: Teaser de 300 na Comic-con:mrgreen:


The teaser starts with King Leonidas' cry of "Spartans, tonight we dine in hell!" with a title card saying "From Frank Miller's graphic novel" before getting into a brief history of Leonidas' life from birth, where the voice-over explains how Spartans are weeded out at birth if they're not up to snuff. It also shows Leonidas as a boy, being trained as a fighter and facing the giant wolf which would be pivotal in his rise to King.

There's a sample of what to expect in the battle scenes and a gorgeous scene of Persian warriors riding across the fields supposedly towards Spartan. A lot of the scenes are shown in slow-motion, but Snyder also uses this neat trick of speeding up and slowing down the film speed to make it look rather surreal. The teaser showed a longer scene showing Leonidas pushing the Persian messenger into the pit in Sparta, followed by a steamy sex scene between Butler's Leonidas and Queen Gorgo, played by Lena Heady, as well as a glimpse of the Oracle, wearing a rather revealing robe.

The rest of the teaser was made up of short shots of the other characters from the book, scored to Nine Inch Nails to give it a modern feel, including a shot of the Persian king Xerxes (played by Brazil's Rodrigo Santoro), the blind Persian executioner with swords for arms, a couple shots of the hunchback Ephialtes (Andrew Tiernan) and a brief glimpse of a new character designed just for the movie, a Persian giant played by the big actor who faced Brad Pitt in the opening sequence of Troy. There also was a brief glimpse of a severed head flying through the air, probably also Leonidas' work, and an armored rhino.​

The most impressive scene in the teaser was probably the final battle sequences that show the Spartans in action against the Persians, with one memorable exchange being a Persian telling Leonidas that their "arrows will block out the sun" and Leonidas responding that they'll "fight in the shade." (Another memorable scene from the book present in the teaser shows the Spartans fighting a bunch Persian warriors towards and over the edge of a cliff.)​

The teaser was a great synopsis of the historic tale with many scenes looking exactly like the way they're depicted by Miller in the graphic story. Although Snyder said that a lot of scenes were unfinished, the crowd ate it up, cheering and applauding until they agreed to show it again. (...)"​

Re: Os 300 de Esparta (idem, 2005)


7 - For the actors, what was the reaction to the costumes you had to wear?
Ladies in the audience cheer - “I think we just heard it.”
Gerard: I think I’ve never felt so stupid. After a couple of days you get used to it when you’re surrounded to by another 60 guys wearing the same things.
David: After he was cast, he bought the Frank’s book. On page 3, his character appears and his first image is him standing naked over a fire, and the “panic button” appears. A little bit of training and what not and it was fine. (...) "


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