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Que personagem do Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) vc é?

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Deu o Aoshi ... :|
Ma na verdade eu sou o Retalhador !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :aham:
apenas antes dele voltar a er o Kenshin Himura bonzinho :twisted:
nhaaaaaaaaa eu sabia que iria dar isso, tava beem na cara...


You're a kind and gentle person with a dark past that haunts you. But you find happiness in your friends and by protecting the weak and oppressed. Let's face it. You kick ass!

You're a decent fighter, but you have your 'feminine' side (which makes you really, really, REALLY MOODY).
You're a great sensei, but you can't cook to save your life.
Good thing you have Kenshin! ^-^x <

Good thing i have kenshin??? Kenshin is mine??
uhuuuuuuuuuuu me dei bem!!!!
<img src="http://www.reverseblade.com/hikobeef.jpg"
border=0 frameborder=0></a><br><br>
You're a drunk, rude, self-conceited, bad-ass that's frequently called 'Master'. Women fall for you but you use them for some more sake. Stupid drunk! <a

You're a drunk, rude, self-conceited, bad-ass that's frequently called 'Master'. Women fall for you but you use them for some more sake. Stupid drunk.

hhahahahahahahahahaha, Seijuro Hiko, eh a minha cara!!!!! :D :D

You're cool-headed and logical, but dangerous to anyone you deem as "evil". You're a vicious fighter that can't let go of your target. Sounds more like a pitbull than a wolf. Hmmm...

:P e olha que eu nem estou de mau humor! :lol:

You're a kind and gentle person with a dark past that haunts you. But you find happiness in your friends and by protecting the weak and oppressed. Let's face it. You kick ass!

:) Nada mal!

You're a decent fighter, but you have your 'feminine' side (which makes you really, really, REALLY MOODY). You're a great sensei, but you can't cook to save your life. Good thing you have Kenshin! ^-^

Eu até que gosto da Kaouro :obiggraz: :mrgreen:

Oro?? o_O

Tá que o Sano é meu personagem preferido ( :grinlove: ), mas, pô! Eu sou uma guria!! hahahaha, queria que tivesse saído a Megumi... :P
You are Megumi Tanaka!
FOXY-LADY! You're more concerned with healing than fighting. Even though you used to produce illegal drugs...*cough, cough, opium, cough*. But that hasn't hindered the number of wolf-calls you get.


Fiz no chute, preguiça de tentar entender o que tavam perguntando
Até que não saiu mal
Gostei embora não saiba nem o que tá escrito sobre ela :obiggraz:
You're cool-headed and logical, but dangerous to anyone you deem as "evil". You're a vicious fighter that can't let go of your target. Sounds more like a pitbull than a wolf. Hmmm...


<img src="http://www.reverseblade.com/sano.jpg"
border=0 frameborder=0></a><br><br>
Some people may call you a bum, they're probably right. You're quick to start a fight and you always seem to be broke. You're an amateur but you're learning. But you're still a bum. <a
Sanosuke boazudo =D~~
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O

Some people may call you a bum, they're probably right. You're quick to start a fight and you always seem to be broke. You're an amateur but you're learning. But you're still a bum.

:o?: :o?: Por que???Por que????Bom, fazer o q neh?Eu fiz rápido...[/i]
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Valinor 2023

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