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Paródia de ADT [em Inglês]

Lindelaurë disse:
Essa parodia ta mto boa, eu ri mto ontem de noite lendo isso! Eu gostei dessa parte:

LEGOLAS: Oh, CÉUS! Voce está TERRIVEL. Vc NÃO vai usar ISTO na batalha esta noite, não é? E o seu CABELO! O q nós vamos FAZER com vc?

ARAGORN: Bom ver vc tb...

gente... vcs postaram q iriam traduzir tudo no ano passado... q relaxo hein!

agora, na boa, traduzam tudo neh!
dai todos podem rir
Ah, traduz aí, vai... por favor.. meu inglês é horrível... e p/ conseguir traduzir algo eu ia ter q pensar mmmmto... ia perder a graça :? :|
Parodia de As Duas Torres

Floresta Fangorn -
Gandalf - Hei, garotos! Sentiram minha falta (com cara de pergunta)
Aragorn- Gandalf! Voce esta vivo!
Legolas - Eu quase tive uma expressao de prazer por isto!

No caminho do abismo de Helm
Legolas - Wargs!! (Legolas e outros guerreiros lancando flechas e pulando em seus cavalos)
Gimli - O que foi este barulho divino (com cara de espanto)
Legolas - Deixa eu ver... poderia ser wargs morrendo
Aragorn - na realidade foi a legiao de fas de legolas delirando com sua subida no cavalo!
Gimli - Oh , mas isto [e de matar! Aragorn, cuidado com o declive!
Aragorn cai no declive
Legolas - nao, isto e inquebravel! Quase que eu tive outra expressao facial!

rlx galera!!!!
Eu to na metade já!!!!

Comecei ontém... daqui a pouco posto aqui...

Tipo tem algumas coisas que não consegui traduzir direito... mas qualquer erro me fala que eu mudo...
E tipo... posta aqui mesmo ou no geral??
q massa

Nossa!!! que massa!!!! Muito engraçado! :D :D :D

GIMLI: What was that God-awful noise?

LEGOLAS: I'm guessing...wargs dying.

ARAGORN: Actually, it was Legolas's fangirl contingent, shrieking in delight at his horseback-riding tricks.

Essa parte tb:
ARAGORN finds himself in RIVENDELL with ARWEN lying on top of him.

ARAGORN: Hmm. This must be a dream.

ARWEN: Why do you say that?

ARAGORN: Because you're not even supposed to be IN this book.

ARWEN: Don't be mean. I'll tell Daddy.

ARAGORN: Whatever. Wake me up, would you? Since it's not really you licking my face, I have the awful suspicion it's a horse. Or maybe Gimli.

E essa:
GALADRIEL: Hello? Is this Elrond?

ELROND: Yes, speaking.

GALADRIEL: Hi Elrond; it's Galadriel.

ELROND: Hey, girl. Where are you?

GALADRIEL: In Lothlorien; where else would I be? Listen, I really wanted to talk to you about Frodo.

ELROND: Yeah, I've been wondering about him lately.

GALADRIEL: He and Aragorn have SO much stuff to do.

ELROND: I know! And Aragorn's being such a wiener, I'm not even sure I want him to marry my daughter...

GALADRIEL: Did you see his hair the other week? Hello, greaseball.

ELROND: And does he, like, only have that one shirt? Humans are so gross. Hang on; I'm getting another telepathy call.

GANDALF: Hello? Hello? Elrond?

GALADRIEL: Gandalf? Is that you?

ELROND: Gandalf! Hey buddy!

GANDALF: Do you have me on three-way telepathy calling? I hate that.

ELROND: Yeah, sorry. I was talking to Galadriel. Hey, didn't you die or something?

GANDALF: No, you twit. Now quit gossiping and listen. There's a war about to start at Helm's Deep.

GALADRIEL: Yeah, and?

GANDALF: And they need your help, moron.

GALADRIEL: (exaggerated sigh) Fine, whatever. I'll send Haldir or something. He's expendable.

Muuuuuito massa!!!!
Putz, essa parte é mto boa:
EOWYN: Hal-lo, handsome!

ARAGORN: Hi. You handle pointy things very well.

EOWYN: Yes. My only fear is dying a virgin. Hint, hint.

ARAGORN: Okay! Well, let's move along.

Nessa parte eu tb ri muito:
GIMLI: What was that God-awful noise?

LEGOLAS: I'm guessing...wargs dying.

ARAGORN: Actually, it was Legolas's fangirl contingent, shrieking in delight at his horseback-riding tricks.

GIMLI: Ugh, that's sickening. Ooh, Aragorn, watch out! Cliff!

ARAGORN falls off cliff.

LEGOLAS: No! This is unbearable! I almost had ANOTHER facial expression!

Isso prova a homossexualidade do Legolas:
ARAGORN arrives and collides with LEGOLAS.

LEGOLAS: Oh, good HEAVENS. You look TERRIBLE. You are NOT wearing THAT to the battle tonight, are you? And your HAIR! What will we DO with you?

ARAGORN: Nice to see you, too.

GALADRIEL: Did you see his hair the other week? Hello, greaseball.

ELROND: And does he, like, only have that one shirt? Humans are so gross. Hang on; I'm getting another telepathy call.
Putz, como os elfos são superficiais.

LEGOLAS: This is going to be most unpleasant. Hundreds of people will die.

ARAGORN: Thank you, Captain Obvious.

LEGOLAS: You're just jealous because I'm pretty.

ARAGORN: You're just jealous because I'm going to be king.

LEGOLAS: You can bite my ass.

ARAGORN: Hey, blow me.

(Ten minutes later)

LEGOLAS: I didn't mean that.

ARAGORN: It's okay. Me neither.

LEGOLAS: Kiss and make up?

ARAGORN: How about I squeeze your shoulder in a very special way?
Rolou um clima aqui nessa parte.

Nem vou dar um quote na parte do Sam e do Gollum discutindo sobre o melhor jeito de preparar um coelho, mas o Frodo ter falado da Martha Stuwart foi hilário.

Parei. Tô chateando muito quotando tudo que é engraçado. Mas vou continuarlendo o texto até o final. Tá muito cômico.
esse da Arwen e do Aragorn é comico... to com preguiça de ler o resto... mas fico aqui imaginando umas coisas... assim, tanto quanto... escabrosas... lol

Valinor 2023

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