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Notícias French teens unable to 'cope with' baccalaureate English question

Bruce Torres

Let's be alone together.
French teens unable to 'cope with' baccalaureate English question
More than 11,000 disgruntled students sign petition to protest at ‘incomprehensible’ question about Ian McEwan’s Atonement in their exam

Thousands of disgruntled French teenagers have signed a petition claiming that a question about Ian McEwan’s Atonement in their baccalaureate English paper was “impossible” and calling on the education minister to instruct examiners not to count the marks, or lack thereof.

Pupils were instructed to read a passage from Atonement and complete two questions about how a character copes with being accused of rape. Arthur, a 17-year-old French student behind the petition, told BFMTV: “Many people didn’t understand the word ‘coping’; it’s not a very common word.”

The petition complained: “The majority of students in the bac were not able to answer question M because they found it too difficult, with words only someone bilingual or with an excellent level in English could answer.

“It is totally inadmissible to propose a bac subject with incomprehensible questions that are impossible to answer.”

Atonement was shortlisted for the Booker prize in 2001 and is on Time magazine’s list of the 100 greatest English-language novels since 1923. The Observer listed it as one of the 100 greatest novels ever written.

Complaining about the bac, which is taken at the end of high school, has become almost a rite of passage for French youngsters, even though almost nine out of 10 pass.

Students who sat the French (language and literature) paper this year complained that they thought the “tiger” referred to in Tigre Bleu de l’Euphrate – a play byLaurent Gaudé, who won the Goncourt prize in 2004 – was an animal, when in fact it refers to a river.

There have also been complaints about the English question on the baccalauréat 2015 en France Facebook page. But others students have counter-attacked, suggesting those who could not answer the question should stop moaning.

Hugo Travers, 18, said on Twitter that it was lamentable and “totally wrong” to sign a petition because the question seemed too hard. Besides, Travers pointed out, the petition was “full of errors” in French.

A video to support the petition was described as risible by many students. One pointed out that “coping” was hardly in the same league of difficult English words as “comeuppance”.

“You should be ashamed of yourself. If you don’t know what ‘coping with’ means that’s your problem. Go revise your pathetic English instead of whining like old goats,” wrote another student.

Fonte: http://www.theguardian.com/world/20...able-cope-with-baccalaureate-english-question

Resumo do texto para quem não sabe inglês: milhares de estudantes franceses ficaram indignados porque não entenderam o que significava a expressão "cope with" (lidar com, tratar de) em uma prova de inglês do Baccalaureate (diploma que marca que o aluno do ensino médio pode ingressar no superior). Lançaram uma petição por conta disso. E a turma aqui revoltada porque usaram a Lei Seca para tema de redação no ENEM... :lol:
Me angustiava o estado do aprendizado da língua inglesa na França, sério. Mas por parte dos alunos e não dos professores. Os alunos jovens de intercâmbio que encontrei que pior falavam o idioma eram justamente os franceses quando eu viajei. Com todos os outros (italianos, alemães, etc...) a pronúncia era aceitável e eles tinham mais paciência para se explicarem. Mas com eles não era nem francês nem inglês, era uma gororoba macarrônica incompreensível com sons inexistentes no inglês, eu até pedia para falarem em francês porque seria melhor pra eu entender, mas quando recusavam pra continuar "praticando o idioma" então só restava um "I do not understand you, good bye, sorry".

É razão de elucubrações a explicação para eles ficarem vermelhos de irritação com a própria limitação diante de todo mundo em um país falante de língua inglesa (Inglaterra), talvez seja a má vontade histórica (100 anos de guerra não é pouca coisa). Mas era muito complicado porque era um mimimi grosseiro e esquisito. Não me admira as regras de etiqueta terem fama de virem da França, os desenvolvimentos humanos e tecnológicos costumam aparecer de onde a coisa está mais feia.
Vergonha alheia à francesa...

"To cope with" só entende quem é bilíngue ou tem um puta nível de inglês?

Valinor 2023

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